The Fat Ass is Back!

This time we are doing it right.

Before, the Fat Ass was a mere middle-aged cat with a slow metabolism and a large appetite. Now, he is without exercise options and in a confined space. Like a future veal chop, the Fat Ass is packing on those quality indolent pounds.

We were worried for a bit that he would lose title to his name. Fatty was losing weight having been on a diet of sorts. His new brother, Buehrle, has digestive trouble and is required to eat soft food only. We gave each cat one can per day. This had to be significantly less that Fatty was used to consuming.

He is back on the dry stuff with the availability to gorge himself at his leisure. He has grown back into his name with a commitment worthy of a priest's blessing. He is eating like he wants to win medals. His motionlessness is on par with any slug or sloth. He shows promise in exceeding previous states of obesity.

I think it is safe to say - fitting to declare that...

The Fat Ass is Back!

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