Math Test Outbursts

I used to do this kind of thing back in high school. It was senior year and I had already been accepted to college, so fuck it. Pre-Calculus was as interesting to me as a technical manual and I was committed to it not being a part of my life. I was bound for art school anyway. I'd persue a career and lifestyle in the arts. I might as well put this Pre-Cal time to good use and bone up on my craft. I really wish I'd kept those drawings. They were artistic expressions used as a solicited response. In some ways, like a formula or equation. There are others out there who feel this way. They recognize that x really can mean anything.

Click on the images to enlarge them.

Batman finally makes sense.

Fantastic expression of frustration.

Here's a clever obfuscation.

This one is crude for the sake of crudeness. So very post-modern.

Retard-like honesty or smart-ass?

Ouch! I figure that would equal an expulsion.

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